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How much will your digital product cost?

Previously we have posted steps on how to create a mobile application and how to launch it, but one thing we have not covered is how much all of this will cost. And we all know that when you’re a start-up, money is everything!

If any development company gives you a price without actually looking at your requirements and the vision you have for your digital product, they are not really worried about you or the business you are about to build. They are simply just putting a price tag on the next job. Most of our clients come to us in the idea phase. It’s at this phase when we introduce them to our 3-6 week “Discover with Skywalk” journey.


So, how do you put a price tag on your idea?

Estimating the cost of developing a digital product is similar to estimating what it would cost to build a house. With the addition of additional features, the base pricing for the sort of digital product you want to design continues to rise. With the advancement of digital products, there is essentially no limit to what an app can achieve. As a result, the cost is unknown and requires time and effort from both parties that must be equally dedicated to creating the digital product.


“Discover with Skywalk” unpacks your digital idea. We go on a journey to understand what it will take to build and design a digital product that your users will love. This is done completely code-free!

We understand the time, effort, and cost it takes to build a digital product. “Discover with Skywalk” is an iterative workshop approach over 3-6 weeks that allows you to understand the product and users you’re building for and include them in the feedback loop from day 1!


You’ll receive a thorough blueprint to keep at the end of your 3-6 week “Discover with Skywalk” journey. This blueprint will include Research, Project/Product Rules, Scope of Project/Product, Product Requirements, Activity Diagrams/Process flows, Prototypes (Low Fidelity Prototype/High Fidelity Prototype), User Testing, Technology Recommendations, Product Plan, and Project Budget. You’ll be able to obtain a quote from Skywalk Innovations or any other development company of your choice for your digital project once you have the blueprint.


We know this is a lot of information to take in, now that you’ve learned about the first phase of our development process. The big question is, are you ready to create your digital product for that awesome idea you have? If so, give us a shout, and let’s create something you and your potential clients will use and love.


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