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Skywalk Innovations > AWS > HandShake Case Study

HandShake Case Study

Executive Summary

HandShake is an innovative tool designed to empower skilled workers in the informal job market. Founded by the visionary entrepreneur Rudolph Wagenaar, this platform addresses the critical need for these workers to showcase their expertise and connect with potential customers. HandShake allows skilled workers to create dynamic profiles featuring video endorsements that enhance their visibility and credibility. This novel approach shifts the focus from traditional employment methods to effective self-marketing for skilled individuals.

About the Customer

Rudolph Wagenaar, the founder of HandShake, sought to bridge the gap between skilled informal workers and potential employers. HandShake emerged as a revolutionary endorsement solution, particularly for African communities, aiming to highlight local talent and create employment opportunities. Its future objectives include ensuring safe and guaranteed employment, showcasing the talents of informal workers, and facilitating effective communication between skilled professionals and employers.

Customer Challenge

Rudolph faced the challenge of transforming his non-technical vision into a tangible digital product. He required a partner who could not only understand his visionary concept but also bring it to life in the digital realm.

Why Skywalk Innovations

Skywalk Innovations, an AWS Select Tier Partner, was chosen for its ability to quickly turn innovative ideas into reality. We offered rapid prototyping, thorough market fit analysis, and addressed every concern with bespoke solutions. Our well-defined project scope and risk mitigation strategies ensured a smooth transition from concept to digital product, all while ensuring capital efficiency.


The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of AWS were the driving factors in our decision. The serverless architecture of AWS, particularly services like Lambda and API Gateway, provided a scalable, resource-efficient platform, allowing us to focus on application development while AWS managed scaling and resource allocation.

Partner Solution

Our serverless approach utilized AWS Lambda for efficient deployment and validation of the Proof of Concept (PoC). The solution comprised AWS EC2, Lambda, API Gateway, Elastic Beanstalk, and S3, with Amazon Elastic Transcode and AWS Elemental Video Converter handling video processing. This configuration enabled the autonomous functioning of each component, ensuring a seamless user experience and robust video processing capabilities.

Results and Benefits

The serverless architecture was cost-effective and led to operational efficiency. AWS Lambda’s event-driven nature automated manual processes, while API Gateway facilitated secure integrations. AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Clickatell enhanced our communication capabilities, and AWS S3 provided reliable, scalable storage solutions. Overall, this solution significantly reduced latency and enhanced security, leading to an improved user experience.

Next Steps

The application is currently in beta testing with a small user group, with plans for wider market deployment. We aim to continuously refine the user experience based on feedback, aligning with South Africa’s diverse needs.

About the Partner

Skywalk Innovation, an AWS Select Tier Services Partner, is committed to building ‘Africa 3.0’. Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations with technology, aiding them in contributing to Africa’s evolving narrative. As AWS partners, we are uniquely positioned to help customers leverage AWS services and accelerate their cloud journey.

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